Sunday, July 22, 2012

Best Things We Ever Ate... Edamame

Garlic Edamame

Shoga Sushi Bar
Sandpoint, ID

You are probably thinking, edamame is just beans right.  WRONG!  Not at Shoga!  This place roasts garlic and uses the oil and garlic to heat up the edamame.  

Oh my.  

It's note KFC but it truly is finger licking good.

Kevin and I ate the bowl in, I'm sure, record speed.  

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Best Thing We Ever Ate... Pizza

Have you ever eaten anything that just leaves an impression on you?  Something that you compare all other dishes of the same nature to?  We're talking so good, your mouth waters just thinking about it.  Well taking our cue from Food Network, Kevin and I have compiled a list of our favorites.

First up, pizza!

1/2 Jukebox, 1/2 Hawaiian with soy cheese

Second Ave Pizza
Sandpoint, ID

This place layers their pizza toppings.  I mean a medium pizza is probably, not kidding, somewhere close to 5 lbs. easily.  Easily!

If you want the most delicious, cheesy, meaty, melt-in-your-mouth pizza, Second Ave is the first place you should go.  A medium pizza can feed Kevin and myself for 2-3 days.  If you like cold pizza, this one will work for that too!  I happen to love cold pizza so my hawaiian half makes for some really good breakfast.